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GCQL License... |
-Shadowalker-™ Cadet Galactic Navy

Joined: September 23, 2007 Posts: 709 From: Shadows
| Posted: 2010-12-13 10:09  
So, a friend of mine and I are starting to develop Ideas for a game that we plan on creating. It's a huge challenge and one that I belive that will almost never get of the ground, but I ask of you, since we need somewhere to start, if you could license the GCQL to us. Mainly so we can communicate in someother place the facebook. We are completly commited to this project and I hope we can actually accomplish something.
I have also tried figureing out the medusa engine... but I've gotten no where on that, a manual would help, or a how-to.

-Shadowalker-™ Cadet Galactic Navy

Joined: September 23, 2007 Posts: 709 From: Shadows
| Posted: 2010-12-13 15:22  
huh, wont let me edit my post... anyways, i email Faustus since i doubt i will get an answer here.
