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 Author For us... TREKKIES

eXcellent Strategists

Joined: December 16, 2001
Posts: 664
Posted: 2004-01-16 14:54   
WARNING!!Hi, this thread is only for absolutly treekiesWARNING
If you want to post here you should at least have seen all ST movies 3 times and all ST series at least once, or you own at least 90% of the "Official Star-Trek facts and infos" (dunno whats the english name)!! Otherwise stay out and listen to the treekies!

Ok, I'd like to start this with some very simple question that are even answerble by "normal" ppl. Who owns Star-Trek Armada 2? We could play online

Some shortings:
TOG (= The Original Series)
TNG (= The Next Generation)
DS9 (= Star-Trek Deep Space Nine)
STV (= Star-Trek Voyager)
ETP (= Enterprise)

Ok, first I'd like to talk about favorite ships of federation, we can talk about other species later. My absolutly love is the Heavy Cruiser Akira-Class. First of all it has a nice abilty for combat. It is quite strong and also quite weak. The big shuttle hangars are great. I love them.

A page just about her size
Here are inforamtions about the ship. Images of her:
Akira-Class Ship attacking two Jem Hadar ships
Nice shot
Isn't she beautifull?
After Akira-Class there are 2 older classes I like: Excelsior-Class (old design) and Reliant-Class

Some diffrent pics of other nice ships:
Image of Prometheus Class
Nice overview of the U.S.S. Defiant

Gotta finish this later..

[ This Message was edited by: ScHaKaL on 2004-01-16 15:22 ]

[ This Message was edited by: ScHaKaL on 2004-01-17 06:33 ]
You cannot win a war!

Lord DowneyBUM (UK)

Joined: January 13, 2003
Posts: 437
From: London England
Posted: 2004-01-16 14:58   
Loved the akira attacking pic so much its now my desktop at work,
who says the NHS is boring.


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Galactic Navy

Joined: October 08, 2002
Posts: 2074
From: Ohio
Posted: 2004-01-16 16:46   
Love the Prometheus. That ship was sweet, in that Voyager episode. One of my favorites.


I am Not a happy camper.

[ This Message was edited by: Bobamelius on 2004-01-16 16:46 ]

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*Renegade Space Marines*

Joined: July 18, 2002
Posts: 385
From: Poland
Posted: 2004-01-16 16:49   
Loved sorvegin class,voyager with torps and plates from the end game and devaiant of course


[ This Message was edited by: Piotr-san on 2004-01-16 16:51 ]
* LobbyGhost votes [PB]Piotr-San for most likly to be Dems mom
Raptus regaliter


Joined: November 28, 2003
Posts: 469
Posted: 2004-01-16 20:02   
So...we're supposed to post our favorite ship from star trek? Mine was the Scimitar...giant ship with a ton of weapons...and a great cloak

(side note: I have armada 2...but I stink at it lol)
Midshipmen still need Engineering or Supply Ships

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Joined: October 30, 2001
Posts: 2337
From: Starleague Cache
Posted: 2004-01-16 21:18   
Screw the saucers with two warp nacelles connected by a thin metal wire. All it takes is a sharpshooter hit on the metal connectors and most Federation starships can be disabled that way.

Defiant! Simply the best.

It is true, Federation ships are only good because of technology. The designs are clearly inferior. You want decent designs? Go with the Earth Alliance in Babylon 5.
Ghostly Specter of an Ancient Past.

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Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: October 30, 2002
Posts: 1806
From: Where the Sun dont Shine (Seattle-ish)
Posted: 2004-01-16 21:42   
Just one question... isn't "Treekies" supposed to be spelled 'Trekkies'?
(too lazy to rehost that old sig)

\"Errare Human Est.\"

  Email JackSwift

Joined: September 28, 2002
Posts: 435
From: Bay Area, Cali
Posted: 2004-01-16 22:07   


[ This Message was edited by: Quantium on 2004-01-16 22:07 ]

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T|t@n {C?}

Joined: August 28, 2002
Posts: 123
Posted: 2004-01-17 05:05   
yeah akira too... agile, powerfull and fast...

but in armada 2 (which i own) i love the borg tactical fusion cube... resistance is futile... hrhrhr...


eXcellent Strategists

Joined: December 16, 2001
Posts: 664
Posted: 2004-01-17 06:32   
Yep that thing is great.. I worked the configs of STA2.... I vanished 7 Enemies :> Lost due whole game one fusion cube... tones of smaller cubes..

But that changes don't work in MP... maybe we should make a little bigger game ?

For all those that own Star-Trek Armada 2:
Here is a great mod that improves the quality of STA2 heavily. "Star-Trek Armada 2 Fleet Operations"
Here the files:
Fleet Ops Main File, 94.4 MB
Patch 1, less then 1 MB
Patch 2, less then 1 MB
Ingame shot! It really looks like that!

KC, hf means have fun!

[ This Message was edited by: ScHaKaL on 2004-01-17 06:49 ]

[ This Message was edited by: ScHaKaL on 2004-01-17 06:54 ]
You cannot win a war!


Joined: May 31, 2001
Posts: 5630
From: The Netherlands
Posted: 2004-01-17 07:00   

On 2004-01-16 22:07, Quantium wrote:

what did you have for lunch?

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DOM700 [-IMO-]

Joined: July 26, 2001
Posts: 3175
From: Eckental, Germany, Sol-System
Posted: 2004-01-17 07:41   
Have you ever noticed how stupid starship captains of the federation are?

Lots of their ships have shuttles on board, who can do good damage to hostile ships, but they never use them, except for personal transports...
The only exeption is in DS9, when they fight against the Jem Hadar with 2 shuttles and a larger ship, which gets destroyed....
And every time Voyager looses all weapon power, they wont use their shuttles
Andromeda makes more sense...
If the buildings on your planets disappear, guess who was there....

Never forget what you fight for
I have earned my betatester badge for being part of the open beta

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T|t@n {C?}

Joined: August 28, 2002
Posts: 123
Posted: 2004-01-17 07:54   
yeah thats right... some improvements and those shuttles might win the dominion war...


Joined: May 31, 2001
Posts: 5630
From: The Netherlands
Posted: 2004-01-17 07:59   
I should have ST-Armada 2 around here somewhere btw.

Me thinks it sucked though, Armada 1 was so much better.

  Goto the website of Barthezzz

eXcellent Strategists

Joined: December 16, 2001
Posts: 664
Posted: 2004-01-17 10:06   

On 2004-01-17 07:54, T|t@n {C?} wrote:
yeah thats right... some improvements and those shuttles might win the dominion war...

Delta Flyer with Micro Quantum Torpedos and the armor of Admiral Janeways shuttle ;>

An Akira-Class ship can carry 41 shuttles, has 15 Torpedo Launchers and 6 Type-X Phasers... that ship can stop an armada of ships
You cannot win a war!

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