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Forum Index » » Questions » » Just Two Questions if noone minds...
 Author Just Two Questions if noone minds...
Sayin Crowe
Raven Warriors

Joined: June 06, 2005
Posts: 75
From: Clinton, MO
Posted: 2006-06-24 19:22   
i been floatin around for awhile, and im a DarkSpace Asia vet... but im abit curious as to if the Mantis Bug Reporter uses the username and pw that i use here at the Palestar website, or do i have to create one specifically for it... and if so, how?

secondly, as far as the development of DarkSpace is going, i'd like to know the current situation ( big f, dun kill me XD ) or if you're looking for any other positions, paid or not.

Currently to my knowlege, Faustus and Tael are spearheading, Gideon is gone, and things aren't quite moving superfast as far as the next patch ( although i do realize that the patch is in it's BETA phase, and without adequate coders, it cant produce very fast. ) as well as bugfixes are being implemented as they show up.

Thanks for your time guys.

  Email Sayin Crowe   Goto the website of Sayin Crowe
Sayin Crowe
Raven Warriors

Joined: June 06, 2005
Posts: 75
From: Clinton, MO
Posted: 2006-06-24 19:26   
Oh, and just a small question for Mithrandir, any news on the Gaifen/MIR/Pirates?

[ This Message was edited by: Sayin57™ on 2006-06-24 19:49 ]

  Email Sayin Crowe   Goto the website of Sayin Crowe

Joined: April 25, 2003
Posts: 4059
Posted: 2006-07-03 20:58   

On 2006-06-24 19:22, Sayin57™ wrote:
i been floatin around for awhile, and im a DarkSpace Asia vet... but im abit curious as to if the Mantis Bug Reporter uses the username and pw that i use here at the Palestar website, or do i have to create one specifically for it... and if so, how?

secondly, as far as the development of DarkSpace is going, i'd like to know the current situation ( big f, dun kill me XD ) or if you're looking for any other positions, paid or not.

Currently to my knowlege, Faustus and Tael are spearheading, Gideon is gone, and things aren't quite moving superfast as far as the next patch ( although i do realize that the patch is in it's BETA phase, and without adequate coders, it cant produce very fast. ) as well as bugfixes are being implemented as they show up.

Thanks for your time guys.

I'm not anybody important, but maybe I can help

Mantis reporter is for admin/dev's, not for users. if you want to report a bug, post it on the Darkspace Forums, or the Darkspace beta forums (Check the "Network" links out)

Also, stop playing DS asia and get over to regular DS. Unless your in asia. but regular DS is better. we have a so much better community and......ah well

and right now, I have no idea about a timetable for Beta. It's progressing, albet at an ice glaciers pace, but it's going. Faustus just relased a new client that probably took up a lot of coding time, so thats probably a reason why.

Two Weeks, give or take

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