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Forum Index » » Bugs » » MAJOR MEMORY LEAK

Galactic Navy

Joined: August 31, 2001
Posts: 939
From: Too Close for Comfort
Posted: 2002-02-18 19:05   
I was in GameCQ for about 30 minutes today, reading forums. At the end, I noticed that Winamp stopped playing... No memory was available.

I have 256MB of physical memory

The problem ended as soon as I quit GameCQ

I've gotten MANY other crashes after being logged in to GameCQ, whole system crashes that tell me to reinstall windows, and blow the system until I manually reset it.

Take a look at this code!!


In Another Place

Honor is all.


Joined: July 23, 2001
Posts: 159
From: California
Posted: 2002-02-20 02:16   
Did you happen to come across any messages in the forum that spit out a 'php_tail' error in line 58?

I found a few of these msgs, resulting in (after running Terminal Services Client) a massive memory leak. Eventually, GCQL spit out an error, something to the effect of 'Required resource was not found in' (didn't specify anything else. Only exiting GCQL and restarting system would clear the leak ...

Faustus took care of the erroneous msgs, and since then I haven't had any problems.


Joined: February 18, 2002
Posts: 175
Posted: 2002-02-20 02:31   

'Required resource was not found in'

I read your post and used the back button and at this moment i got this message

  Email Samweis
Galactic Navy

Joined: August 31, 2001
Posts: 939
From: Too Close for Comfort
Posted: 2002-02-21 15:31   
I didn't find any of those particular errors on these occasions.


In Another Place

Honor is all.

Galactic Navy

Joined: August 31, 2001
Posts: 939
From: Too Close for Comfort
Posted: 2002-02-26 21:59   
I did further tests, and even with all programs closed but GameCQ, systray, explorer, system monitor, and norton antivirus, the crash still occurred with >30MB of free physical memory reported.

My computer is stable for days UNTIL I use GameCQ...

Draw your own conclusions.


In Another Place

Honor is all.


Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 5726
From: The Land of Taxation without Representation
Posted: 2002-02-26 22:11   
Now, Thanks to you!, I get crazy errors too.. "A Required Resource cannot be found" I think it says, but I'm not really sure, as it totally futzes up my screen. I just have to restart GameCQ to get it to work alright though. But it is extremely annoying. And I have no idea why it is happing. It never happened before, until Vinco mentioned his going nuts.

I'll try setting it to run in Windows 98/ME compatability mode (since i'm on XP) and see if that helps. Expect a report in a day or two...
* [S.W]AdmBito @55321 Sent \"I dunno; the French had a few missteps. But they're on the right track, one headbutt at a time.\"

  Email Shigernafy
Galactic Navy

Joined: August 31, 2001
Posts: 939
From: Too Close for Comfort
Posted: 2002-02-26 23:04   
I just crashed again. Here are the messages (pen and paper copied)

Explorer caused an invalid page fault in SNMTRHK.DLL at 0197:014612ad

I clicked OK, then got the following message

Error loading explorer.exe
You must reinstall Windows

I clicked OK

My system then turned itself off.

Most annoying.


In Another Place

Honor is all.


Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 5726
From: The Land of Taxation without Representation
Posted: 2002-02-27 02:42   
I never get anything that bad.. just "A Required Resource cannot be found" or something to that effect.

It seems to happen more often when winamp is open, and when I'm using the web page (in the web window).

If it goes off (about 20 windows pop up over eachother), I can just click them all away and then the screen is a little messed up (sometimes more than others), and it USUALLY stays away if I don't use the web page. Not always, but it doesn't tend to come back as soon or as often if I just use the chat window.

But I am running in Win 98/ME compatability mode, and haven't had any problems in the last few hours... but I'll keep you updated.
* [S.W]AdmBito @55321 Sent \"I dunno; the French had a few missteps. But they're on the right track, one headbutt at a time.\"

  Email Shigernafy

Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 5726
From: The Land of Taxation without Representation
Posted: 2002-02-27 03:02   
Well, it just pooped out on me again...

"A required resource was unavailable."

That's the message... and I can't seem to be rid of it.

Next major installer update and I'll reinstall and see if that helps... but right now, I don't want to have to download all the updates again.

Lemme know if any solutions or workarounds are found...
* [S.W]AdmBito @55321 Sent \"I dunno; the French had a few missteps. But they're on the right track, one headbutt at a time.\"

  Email Shigernafy
Galactic Navy

Joined: October 06, 2001
Posts: 3406
From: Charlotte, North Carolina
Posted: 2002-02-27 13:27   
I would like to provide additional evidence in this whole debacle, a new viewpoint we haven't even examined yet.

So I was sitting at school earlier today, looking at the darkspace.net website.....and i minimize and try to open another internet explorer window. it was then that i got an eerie and all-too-familiar error.

memory was zapped.

So I propose the possibility that it is not GameCQ causing this leak, but possibly something that both the website and GameCQ use (such as the site itself) to swallow up memory.


Galactic Navy

Joined: August 31, 2001
Posts: 939
From: Too Close for Comfort
Posted: 2002-02-27 14:04   
An interesting idea... Perhaps some of the scripts on the site are causing the problem... I'll link this to the web forum.


In Another Place

Honor is all.

Naufragus the Hashishin

Joined: September 17, 2001
Posts: 1253
From: Dallas, Los Angeles, Paris
Posted: 2002-02-27 14:53   
Rereposting here since we have 4 threads on the same problem:

I am reposting his here...YES The game CQ causes all kinds of problems...ALSO when in game i used to like to have the website open in IE to check servers and maps and kill time in the forums while jumping... The website appears to cause the same types of errors as the client...The only other program that I have has similar problems with is YAHOO Messenger, though versions of it in the past few months have been stable. I am no computer expert by any means but on invistigating my MFC42 errors I found that the DS client comes with its own MFC42 file that does not match my system file (mine is a higher version). This led me to wonder if this could be the problem for me...With other programs, my experience has been that you can either delete the MFC42 that comes with it or simply copy over the older version. I have tried this wih DS but the update always reinstals it when i log in.

Posted in website forum:

I guess this is a good place to post this....this website freaks my computer out!

I can surf all day with no problems then come here and check the forums and maps start getting all kinds of errors...after about 10 minutes i just have to shut it down. I used to have the site up when i was in MV to check the maps, that causs the most problems. I just tried to start the client and got a C++ Runtime error. If I have the site open while in game i get "Not enough memory to run that Program errors" if i try to start any other programs. If I have this site up and try and open the client i get MFC42 errors...I can accept that these problems are on my end but i have reinstalled DX, IE and VB. I am going to remove and reinstall my video drivers again. I used to have 5-6 programs going at all times but now if this site is open something is eating my system resources and im afraid to run anything else.

Any suggetsions on what I can tweak on my end are aprecciated



Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 5726
From: The Land of Taxation without Representation
Posted: 2002-02-28 22:01   
Can you guys all post what OS you have, and what browser (and version) you use? I'm trying the site (not GameCQ) on friend's computers to try to test out different configs and see if I can get errors... it would help to know what causes to the most problems.

To that end, I have

Windows XP Home Edition
IE 6.0
* [S.W]AdmBito @55321 Sent \"I dunno; the French had a few missteps. But they're on the right track, one headbutt at a time.\"

  Email Shigernafy
Galactic Navy

Joined: August 31, 2001
Posts: 939
From: Too Close for Comfort
Posted: 2002-02-28 22:52   
WinME-all updates


In Another Place

Honor is all.


Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 5726
From: The Land of Taxation without Representation
Posted: 2002-03-01 16:56   
Is anyone who gets this error running Windows 2000?

I have been running GCQL.exe in Windows 2000 compatability mode, and I haven't been Vinco'd in the last two days while doing that. Doesn't mean its foolproof, but it seems to be working.

Doesn't solve your problem though, Vinco. I'll try some more research and see if I can find anything.

Faustus, you paying attention? I know nimby mentioned something about the bug - I think he got Vinco'd - but I don't know if its being looked at.

There's got to be something in common between us all... so far, since just Vinco and I have posted, its IE 6, so that doesn't help much.

Any other thoughts? I'm just kinda randomly throwing stuff around.
* [S.W]AdmBito @55321 Sent \"I dunno; the French had a few missteps. But they're on the right track, one headbutt at a time.\"

  Email Shigernafy
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