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Forum Index » » MoA » » IDF Formation
 Author IDF Formation
Raven Warriors

Joined: August 28, 2001
Posts: 2181
From: Philadelphia, PA
Posted: 2002-07-30 09:47   
The [IDF] has been formed as a recent countermeasure to the sudden loss of ICC space.

This is a call out for all major ICC fleets to come together and to reclaim our space.

With already positive support from many ICC players aswell as a great support from Agents and its leaders, we intend to merge all active clans under this one name,

ICC has two main rivals, the Galactic Navy (UGTO) and Pitch Black (K'luth), we seriously need a dedicated force to combat our greatest and most powerful foes.

There is to be an ICC Strategy meeting held tonight, i politely request that all ICC fleets send a representative to this meeting, the outcome could affect the whole faction, Its will either be our rise to power or our fall into oblivion...........

The choice is yours to make.........


Mercenaries of Andosia

Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 451
From: germany
Posted: 2002-07-30 14:15   
loool.......eerrmm we are UGTO

and we will be UGTO forever

  Email Patlukowsky   Goto the website of Patlukowsky
DOM700 [-IMO-]

Joined: July 26, 2001
Posts: 3175
From: Eckental, Germany, Sol-System
Posted: 2002-08-19 15:28   
He spammed that in every clan forum, so never mind
Anyway, they are dead by now
If the buildings on your planets disappear, guess who was there....

Never forget what you fight for
I have earned my betatester badge for being part of the open beta

  Email DOM700 [-IMO-]   Goto the website of DOM700 [-IMO-]
Mercenaries of Andosia

Joined: September 15, 2001
Posts: 84
From: Germany, Gelsenkirchen
Posted: 2002-08-20 00:12   
lol ... Machte auch irgendwie Sinn es in alle Foren zu schreiben, ich meine von wegen der Geheimhaltung und dem Überraschungseffekt.

War bestimmt erfolgreich der Plan ... lol

\"... where no UGTO has gone before!\"
Definition vom Namen WOTAN

  Email Wotan   Goto the website of Wotan
Mercenaries of Andosia

Joined: May 31, 2001
Posts: 2256
From: Switzerland
Posted: 2002-08-20 05:08   


  Email Bumblebee
DOM700 [-IMO-]

Joined: July 26, 2001
Posts: 3175
From: Eckental, Germany, Sol-System
Posted: 2002-08-20 09:14   
Nunja, wir besitzen kaum mehr Systeme als ihr (haha) also, ich denke der Plan war erfolgreich
If the buildings on your planets disappear, guess who was there....

Never forget what you fight for
I have earned my betatester badge for being part of the open beta

  Email DOM700 [-IMO-]   Goto the website of DOM700 [-IMO-]
Mercenaries of Andosia

Joined: September 15, 2001
Posts: 84
From: Germany, Gelsenkirchen
Posted: 2002-08-21 01:25   
So nun ist es soweit, mein Gehirn wurde gerade weg gebeamt, denn die Antwort habe ich nicht verstanden und wie hat der Plan funktioniert
Bitte um mit hilfe bei der Suche nach meinem Gehirn.


"... where no UGTO has gone before!"
Definition vom Namen WOTAN

[ This Message was edited by: Wotan on 2002-08-21 01:27 ]

\"... where no UGTO has gone before!\"
Definition vom Namen WOTAN

  Email Wotan   Goto the website of Wotan
DOM700 [-IMO-]

Joined: July 26, 2001
Posts: 3175
From: Eckental, Germany, Sol-System
Posted: 2002-08-21 02:07   
es war deine Idee mit dem Plan, siehe deine Post weiter oben (IDF Formationen überall posten)
2. Es hat nichts gebracht
If the buildings on your planets disappear, guess who was there....

Never forget what you fight for
I have earned my betatester badge for being part of the open beta

  Email DOM700 [-IMO-]   Goto the website of DOM700 [-IMO-]
Mercenaries of Andosia

Joined: September 15, 2001
Posts: 84
From: Germany, Gelsenkirchen
Posted: 2002-08-21 03:03   
Wat???? Meine Idee???? Ich habe den Post nicht eröffnet!!!! Sondern ein gewisser Banshee, ich bin der Wotan, nö!!!

Also war es nicht mein Plan, sondern der Plan kam von einem ICC Spieler Names Banshee, ich habe nur eine Antwort auf diese Idee geschrieben, denn ich bin und bleibe ein UGTO Spieler!!!


"... where no UGTO has gone before!"
Definition vom Namen WOTAN

[ This Message was edited by: Wotan on 2002-08-21 03:06 ]

\"... where no UGTO has gone before!\"
Definition vom Namen WOTAN

  Email Wotan   Goto the website of Wotan
DOM700 [-IMO-]

Joined: July 26, 2001
Posts: 3175
From: Eckental, Germany, Sol-System
Posted: 2002-08-21 05:26   

On 2002-08-20 00:12, Wotan wrote:

War bestimmt erfolgreich der Plan ... lol

If the buildings on your planets disappear, guess who was there....

Never forget what you fight for
I have earned my betatester badge for being part of the open beta

  Email DOM700 [-IMO-]   Goto the website of DOM700 [-IMO-]
Mercenaries of Andosia

Joined: September 15, 2001
Posts: 84
From: Germany, Gelsenkirchen
Posted: 2002-08-21 13:55   
ich glaube wir lassen es lieber, scheint nichtts zu bringen!!!?

\"... where no UGTO has gone before!\"
Definition vom Namen WOTAN

  Email Wotan   Goto the website of Wotan
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